6MPCT01Z3P8641777 1993 Mercury Capri

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6MPCT01Z3P8641777 1993 Mercury Capri
Lot information
Final price: $1,004
Buy now: $1,004
Auction number: 63359984
Auction platform: copart.com Sold
Sale date: 22.07.2024 19:00
Location: 94553 1450, Ca - Martinez, Martinez, California
Vehicle condition
Odometer: 69332 Mileage (km) / Exempt
Vehicle title: Cert Of Title Or Salvage Acq
Primary damage: All Over
Keys available: Yes
Vehicle information
VIN: 6MPCT01Z3P8641777
Brand: Mercury
Model: Capri
Generation: Capri
Vehicle type: Automobile
Color: Green
Engine: 1.6l 4
Cylinders: 4
Transmission: Manual transmission
Drive wheel: Front-wheel drive
Fuel: Gas
Year of production: 1993

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